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Tohar Liani
6 days ago3 min read
The Tale of Samuel's Calling - The Value of Listening to God
The story of Samuel's calling, as recounted in 1 Samuel 3, is a touching narrative that highlights the importance of listening to God....

Tohar Liani
Feb 33 min read
The Tale of Gideon's Battle - The Value of Faith and Divine Assistance
The story of Gideon's battle, as recounted in the Book of Judges (chapters 6 8), is a captivating tale that highlights the importance of...

Tohar Liani
Jan 273 min read
The Tale of Nehemiah Rebuilding Jerusalem - The Value of Dedication and Community Effort
The story of Nehemiah's efforts to rebuild Jerusalem is a touching tale that showcases the significance of commitment and teamwork....

Tohar Liani
Jan 132 min read
The Tale of Daniel in the Lion's Den - The Value of Courage and Faithfulness
The story of Daniel in the lion's den is one of the most popular tales from the Old Testament. It is a remarkable story of courage,...

Tohar Liani
Jan 63 min read
The Tale of Rahab - The Value of Faith and Redemption
One of the most captivating characters in the Bible is Rahab, a Canaanite prostitute living in the city of Jericho. Yet despite her...

Tohar Liani
Dec 30, 20242 min read
The Tale of the Daughters of Zelophehad - The Value of Justice and Inheritance Right
The story of the daughters of Zelophehad in the Book of Numbers teaches an important lesson about justice and the rights of women....

Tohar Liani
Dec 23, 20242 min read
The Tale of Phinehas' Zeal - The Value of Passionate Commitment
The story of Phinehas in the Bible offers a complex tale about passion, zealotry, and commitment to one's beliefs. As told in the Book of...

Tohar Liani
Dec 15, 20243 min read
The Tale of Korach's Rebellion - The Value of Humility and Respect for Leadership
The Torah portion of Korach tells the dramatic story of an uprising against Moses and Aaron led by their cousin Korach. Korach was a...

Tohar Liani
Dec 9, 20243 min read
The Tale of Balaam's Blessings - The Power of Words and Intentions
The story of Balaam and his donkey as told in the Book of Numbers in the Torah contains an important lesson about the power of words and...

Tohar Liani
Dec 2, 20243 min read
The Tale of Jethro's Advice - The Value of Wise Counsel
The Torah portion Yitro contains the momentous story of the giving of the Ten Commandments. It's been described as "The birthday of the...

Tohar Liani
Nov 25, 20243 min read
The Tale of the Akedah (Binding of Isaac) - The Value of Trust in God
The Binding of Isaac, known in Hebrew as the Akedah, is one of the most well-known and emotionally impactful stories in the Jewish...

Tohar Liani
Nov 18, 20243 min read
The Tale of the Baal Shem Tov - The Value of Joy in Worship
The Baal Shem Tov, meaning “Master of the Good Name,” was an 18th century Jewish mystical rabbi who founded the Hasidic movement in...

Tohar Liani
Nov 11, 20242 min read
The Tale of Rabbi Akiva - The Value of Lifelong Learning
The story of Rabbi Akiva exemplifies the Jewish value of lifelong learning and growth. Akiva began his life as an uneducated shepherd who...

Tohar Liani
Nov 4, 20243 min read
The Tale of Hillel and Shammai - The Value of Diverse Opinions
The Talmud tells an insightful tale about two great sages who had very different perspectives - Hillel and Shammai. They lived during the...

Tohar Liani
Oct 7, 20242 min read
Rosh Hashanah - The Value of Renewal and Reflection
Rosh Hashanah is a time of spiritual renewal and reflection. It’s the Jewish New Year, when you take note of what happened in the last...

Tohar Liani
Sep 23, 20242 min read
The Tale of Malachi - The Value of Covenant
Malachi is the last prophet of the Torah. Malachi delivered a powerful message to the people of Israel about the importance of covenant...

Tohar Liani
Sep 16, 20242 min read
The Tale of Zechariah - The Value of Future Hope
There are few stories of hope that resonate like the tale of Zechariah. The backdrop of the tale is Israel's tumultuous history, which,...

Tohar Liani
Sep 9, 20243 min read
The Tale of Ezra - The Value of Torah Study
Ezra is one of the most pivotal figures in Jewish history. He brings to light the importance of studying the Torah. It’s not just reading...

Tohar Liani
Sep 2, 20242 min read
Tisha B'Av - The Value of Mourning and Reflection
During the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av, Tisha B'Av takes place. It’s one of the most solemn days on the Jewish calendar. The day...

Tohar Liani
Aug 19, 20242 min read
The Tale of Nehemiah - The Value of Rebuilding
Nehemiah moved into action when he heard about the state of his ancestral city, Jerusalem. At the time, Nehemiah was a Jewish official...
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